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The Rockin' Riders Happy Hour Ride

 Happy Hour Ride Ventura Harbor    Happy Hour Clock    Rockin Riders On Ventura Pier

"An Artistic Expression Of Creative Pure Fun"

ROCKIN RIDERS HAPPY HOUR RIDE:   This fun ride is scheduled with lots of fun in mind! The ride happens on different days and times so all members can participate and enjoy. Safety is our first concern. We are a responsible bicycle club. Night rides requires lights and a secure lock. Start time are conveniently scheduled for prompt departure. Beginners, Intermediate, and advanced riders are welcome!

SUNSET APPRECIATION HOUR: Another reason for our happiness is taking the time to appreciate the wonderful Pacific sunsets. We even stop to smell the roses. We are committed to the club. We are committed to healthy exercise. We are committed to each other!

Shelley Thirsty Rockin Rider            Ventura Class 1 Bike Path

Rockin Riders Smell The Flowers    >>>>Back to Our Main Club Page

Ventura Harbor Playtime Sign       Rockin Riders Playtime Favorite Spot

Rockin' Riders Bicycle Club
In The Cultural Arts District
175 S. Ventura Avenue
Downtown Ventura, California 93001

Every Ride Is An Experience

Queen Of The Club

Queen Rockin' Rider Shelley

Rockin' Riders Bicycle Club honors the Queen of The Club, Shelley Sund. The Happy Hour Ride is one of her favorite time after a very full day of work. Shelley works 7 days a week whether you see her at her store or out of sight in her private office.Hail the Queen!

Quote: "We are the oil addiction therapists" Shelly Sund

Our Ride Schedule

Country Roads Ride

Bike Of The Year 2011

Membership Request

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